A Look at Witness Testimonies in Day 4 of Granath v Wright Trial in Norway (headline suggestion: Satoshi Nakamoto Trial: A Look at Witness Testimonies in Day 4 of Granath v Wright in Norway)

A defamation trial involving two controversial people in the Bitcoin space is underway in Oslo, Norway. Magnus Granath, who rose…

2 years ago

Cybersecurity Awareness And The Benefits Of Cybersecurity Awareness Training

Can you imagine the ramifications if personal or financial information about every employee in your firm is exposed to a…

3 years ago

5 Tips For A Successful Recruitment Process

Recruitment is generally a sign of growth. At a certain point in the life of a company, the recruitment of…

3 years ago

Are You Afraid Of Facial Recognition Systems? The Researchers Managed To Fool The System

How do you feel about the facial recognition system? Sometimes he can do magic, but the situation regarding the coronavirus…

3 years ago

Design Thinking: Working Together To Create Tailor-Made Solutions

"To Think Outside The Box" Is More In Demand Than Ever! Creativity and unconventional thinking, especially by people who come…

3 years ago

Beautiful Smart Future

Self-acting robots, cognitive learning and 3D cell phones. These are just a few new trends for advertisers and consumers. We…

3 years ago


Mindfulness beyond the benefits it provides for personal happiness is being applied by companies as a philosophy. This is because…

3 years ago

How To Fix The “Please Insert A Disk Into The USB Drive” Error?

If you see the error "Please insert a disk into the USB drive" in Windows 10/8/7 after connecting a removable…

3 years ago


The time when investment in advertising was something anecdotal is not far off. With advertisements that followed the same keys…

3 years ago

How Much Time Do We Waste Looking For Documents?

About 45 minutes a day is what we lose looking for documents, to manage work from work and not to…

3 years ago