5 Tips For A Successful Recruitment Process

Recruitment is generally a sign of growth. At a certain point in the life of a company, the recruitment of new employees becomes a necessity in order to support the

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Benefit From A Transversal Approach In Several Areas

Enabling companies to benefit from a cross-functional approach is our goal. The term “transversal approach” refers to any intervention in several areas: management, accounting, IT, communication, etc. everything concerning the

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Ideas To Digitally Transform Your Company

Do you want to digitally transform your company ? The 21st century is characterized by the transformation of business models. Experts speak of “ Industry 4.0 ” or the Fourth

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The transfer of online research behavior before making purchasing decisions from the private sector to the business world has decisively changed the world of B2B communication. Studies show that a

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Meta, Zuckerberg’s New Metaverse

Surely you have seen that when opening WhatsApp, Facebook or Instagram you have noticed that it says “from Meta” . And this is how Mark Zuckerberg wants to welcome us

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Three Things To Avoid For Your Influencer Marketing Campaign To Be Successful In 2022

In a sector as innovative as marketing, it is crucial to know what trends will mark the new year, and what will be the strategies and actions that will work,

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Recruitment In Social Networks: Fresh Recruitment

Digitization has streamlined the search processes, selection of professional profiles and recruitment in social networks. How? Very simple: nowadays you have access to profiles and individual information of each person,

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Social Learning In Organizations

What is social learning? What factors intervene in our learning process? What capacities can we exercise to learn more and better? How to do it at the organizational level? Competitiveness,

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LinkedIn, The Network For Professionals Par Excellence

LinkedIn is the professional network par excellence in terms of employment due to the following data: More than 700 million users and more than 55 million companies 90% of recruiters

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What Are The Means To Digitize Human Resources?

In a society on the move, where travel and travel are increasingly precarious, remote work is taking hold, as are professional relations and, therefore, recruiting and personnel management. How to

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