If you are wondering what virtual e-learning platforms are and what advantages they can produce in your company. You’ve come to the right place! We will solve all your doubts.
The advancement of technology and, above all, the events that have occurred in recent years have given a boost to online training. Although this modality already existed before the pandemic, the famous “teleworking” has also reached education, forcing training businesses to take a leap towards the digital terrain and introducing them to the transmission of content through online media.
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E-learning refers to any teaching and learning process that is carried out through the Internet, that is, it has a physical separation between teachers and students. Knowing this, an e-learning platform, virtual campus or Learning Management System (LMS) is a digital learning space aimed at facilitating distance teaching.
This system allows the creation of “virtual classes”, where there is a digital interaction between teachers and students. And also, among the students themselves. In addition to this, this place is used to post agendas, exams and includes forums, chats and many more instructional tools.
Broadly speaking, we can say that the main objective of e-learning platforms is for training to reach as many people as possible, through the creation of a personalized virtual environment that makes the teaching-learning process easier.
These training supports have various characteristics:
Also Read: E-Learning – Everything You Need To Know!
The e-learning platforms allow a practically total adaptation, both to the needs of the company or educational institution and to that of its enrolled students.
In addition to incorporating all the features that make the teaching process easier. These virtual learning places are able to accommodate each user’s corporate identity, language or company philosophy, to always provide them with the best experience.
This teaching method is so intuitive that even the less technologically savvy have a place in it. Both students and teachers will be able to function in them without the need for prior knowledge.
However, in case you have any doubts, there are numerous blogs on the Internet that unravel all the secrets of e-learning platforms, so that you can get the most out of them.
The user can connect and access the platform whenever and wherever he wants , as long as he has an Internet connection. Being educational software, they do not require the prior installation of applications on any device.
And, as if this were not enough, they also allow access both from a computer and from a mobile or tablet, and without distinction by operating system. This fact further simplifies the learning process.
E-learning works mainly with SCORM or AICC content. These are pedagogical contents structured under a general plan for all online teaching supports. In this way, by following set standards, these contents can be included on any platform.
The ability to bring together large volumes of information in one place, so as not to waste time looking for a specific item, is a great need in this era.
With an e-learning platform, teachers can comprehensively manage all the resources necessary for their classes from a single place. Actions such as registering or withdrawing students, managing content, communicating with your students or extracting progress reports from your class are some of those that can be carried out thanks to this support.
In the same way, students also have at their fingertips everything they need to pass their subjects.
The e-learning platforms that incorporate online virtual classes -since not all of them do-, in addition to providing teaching with greater flexibility, make the training much more global. Since, they allow institutions to open their doors to students from all over the world.
Beyond this, other of its benefits are cost savings, time optimization and, therefore, increased profitability.
Another skill that some e-learning platforms include is the creation of content that teachers can incorporate into their courses. Activities and exercises, tests or exams are some of the resources that can be created without abandoning the learning support itself.
But they also allow you to upload your own work created in applications external to the platform (for example, the Microsoft Word Office package) or link videos or other external visual resources that are of interest for training.
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